Page name: Flash Five news Vs. Channel 7 rp zone [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-08-02 09:30:11
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Flash Five news Vs. Channel 7 rp zone

[Tis gone but never gone] as Holly Storm, Gwen Harkness and Alistair Brooks
[Ritsuka-Kun] as Melissa Vaughn and Mac
[ArtworkA] as Merisa and Jackson
[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife] as Amy and Patrick Kalahan
[Strawboy] as Eric Harty
[HeAVenShallBuRN] as Malganis

[Channel 7's building.]

[Flash Five news's building]

Character pages -->Journalists or news casters or Law of the news world

Sex page --> Tv Romance

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2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: [ shall we start this rpg or not? or would you all like to wait until I get back home?]

2010-07-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [We can start, and then puase it when you have to go ^_^]

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: [okay ^^ but I'll start after I've had a smoke because I'm not aloud to smoke inside Rachael's house >.<]

2010-07-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, oki, I'll be here]

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: [is back ^^]

Holly was on the scene of a murder at the meat packing discrit of Atlanta city, she was wearing a black suit with black high heels, her red hair was down, blowing lightly in the breeze."Hello this is Holly Storm reporting from McKay's meat packing company at the scene of a horroable murder. Megan Jones was murdered by a monster, she was left inside the werehouse with her kidney missing. What kind of person would do? Well the police are not giving out any information get but this report will find out, that for sure. So I warn everyone in Atlanta city to lock your doors and do not go out at night. This is Holly Storm reporting for Flash Five news, goodbye and be safe." Her voice was sad but profesion.

Gwen was at Channel 7 station making coffee for her boss, she sighed softly because she wants to make a name for herself and get on TV and not make coffee and take messages. She was wearing dark jeans with a white skin tight blouse and her brown hair was up in a pony tail.

Alistair was in his dressing room after shooting his scenes for his tv show Mightnight Sins. He was changing out of his leather pants and into dark jeans.

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa knocked on Alistair's dressing room door "ready for make up sir?"

Mac hummed sittin on his laptop he was sifting through stories and facts throughly checking through each fiber of it to make sure it was all true.

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alistair looked over at Melissa."Sure I am Missy." he smiled a little at the nickname he gave Melissa.

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa walked over setting her make up holder on a table giggling as she stuck her tongue out, she hated being called missy but she let Alistair get away with it and only Alistair "lucky i like you anyone else would get their ass handed to them for calling me missy"

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alistair snorted a little as he sat down."Sure."

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa smiled as she started on his make-up "now why dont you believe me?"

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alistair closed his eyes, so she could do his make-up, he shrugged a little."Cause you just a little thing."He loved to tease her.

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa smiled "doesnt mean i cant kick someone's ass" she giggled "almost done"

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Good good."He said.

2010-07-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [yay!!]

Patrick nodded a little to the cameraman counting down to him. when it got to zero he looking into the cammera,"This is Patrick Kalahan, we have some very horrible news for you this evening. Just moments ago we got a report that a tragic murder has taken place. Megan Jones was a young woman who became the victim of horrific crime. We now go to Angela who is on sceen, talking with the person who found the victim... Angella." It switched to Angella, who reported, then back to Patrick,"We'll keep you updated as we get information, and we pray for miss Megan's family in this tragic time. Be safe tonight and if you have any questions on how to ensure your safety tonight, you can head to our website for the contact information of Chief Deputy Sanders for tips. This is Channel Seven, reporting live."

Amy was at the office, watching between Holly and her brother, shaking her head. She tossed her pencil aside,"That's it, I'm getting that huge dog at the shealter..."

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa "all done" she smiled

Mac chewed on the end of his pencil "delete, delete, keep, keep, delete" he said as he kept working.

2010-07-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: The minute Patrick was off the air he called his sister to check and see if she was going to be in the office late, or if she would be able to get walked to her car.

Amy smiled at her brother's concern,"Don't worry Pat, I'll be a little late, but the crew for some of our shows is going to be here, I'll leave with them."

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Mac shuddered he hated checking facts on murder cases they freaked him out.

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Holly shook her head when Mac the cameraman guy turned off the camera and loaded it into the back of the van. Holly straighted up and walked over to Brooks and Gyth two detectives. She knew they wheren't going to tell her but lucky Holly had been in the sence and called the cops, so she knew that Megan had lost her kidney. She tapped Brooks's shoudler."We need to talk, detectives." She said holding her head high. And then she and the two detectives had a heated little talk about her keeping her nose out of there business.

Gwen took the coffee to Patrick's office but found it emtay, she sighed and walked back to the staff room and put the poured the coffe down the sink.

Alistair opened his eyes."Thanks, Missy."

2010-07-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Patrick sat behind the desk on set, rubbing his forehead,"You'd better Amy Kalahan, or I'll call your boss."

Amy luaghed,"That'd go over real well..." She said good-bye and hung up, getting back to work.

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa smiled "Have fun"

Mac closed his laptop stretching.

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Holly growled."This isn't over destectives." She said to Brooks and Gyth before she stormed away to the Flash Five news van. She looked over and saw Patrick."Great."She muttered before she pulled out a cig and lit it up and took a drag.

Gwen washed the mug but she dropped it on the floor when someone came up behind her and put a chloroform cloth over her mouth and nose to knock her out. She leaned back on the person behind her then she was out cold.

Alistair stood up and walked out the room."Will do Missy." he walked to studio 4 to film the next sence in the show.

[On hold until later on >:)]

2010-07-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa stuck her tongue out as he walked out of the room

Mac handed Patrick some papers "here ya all the facts that are real sorry there aren't a lot with the murder story im getting a lot saying that its jack the ripper reincarnated bunch of crazy people if ya ask me"

2010-07-29 [Tis gone but never gone]: Gwen was carried out the back way of Channel 7 news station, she was threw into a van and it drove away. The only thing that was left behind by Gwen was her bag and jacket in her office desk next to Patrick's office.

Holly got into the Flash Five news van and Mac the carmaraman and drove back to Flash Five news station after she finished her cig.

Alistair was in studio 4, acting out a love scene with Carla Jones one of his co-workers."Izzy why can't we be together? I thought you loved me?" he said lovingly as he looked into her eyes.

Carla shook her head, her blonde hair going wild."Because your not human, Niol! I can't be with someone that is a...demon! Your evil." She said with disgust and anger.

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: [this is on hold until I wake up lolz. so you all can leave one comment then that's it, no more kk? Thanks love you all night night :)]

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa watched the scene off from the side.

2010-07-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Patrick took the facts from Mac,"Thanks..."He let ot a heavy sigh.

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Holly got out the van and walked into Flash Five news building, she walked to her office but got stopped by Joe the anchorman."Yeah Joe, what is it?"

Joe shrugged."Oh nothing. Just wanted to see how you are after being at that crime sence."

"Am fine, Joe." Holly said as she walked to studio four to see Alistair.

Alistair put his hands on Carla's shoudlers."Do you remember when it was really hot weather last summer? And we sat outside rubbing ice cubs over each others necks...backs? That is when you said you loved me, Izzy. 'I love you Niol, I'll love you forever.' Yes that is what you said to me."

"That is when I thought you where human, not this monster that kills people!" Carla pulled back from Alistair and she started to back herself into a wall."Just leave me alone, Niol."

2010-07-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Amy finished typing the story she had been given, sent it over to her editor, then got up and walked over to the studio standing next to Holly.

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Mac nodded "welcome something wrong patrick?"

Melissa smiled a little.

2010-07-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "My sister and Gwen both look a lot like this girl." Paup the victim's pictures."Have you seen Gwen?" he frowned a little.

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Mac shook his head "sorry no been a little busy working"

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Holly's eye twiched just a little when Joe told her that she might be pulled off the story about Megan and the missing girls."Damnit."She muttered when Joe walked away. She looked at Amy."Hey Amy."

Alistair shook his head."Never, Izzy. I love you too much to let you go but...I'll give you time to think about us. But please don't think too long because if the conucil ever found out then...we would be both dead."He kissed her forehead and walked away.

Carla looked at Alistair with a look of worry, saddness and anger on her face. Then the dirctor yelled cut and they stopped filming.

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa chuckled as she clapped "woo that kicked ass" she giggled.

2010-07-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I herd that last bit, he can't honestly be thinking of taking you off, can he?" Amy smiled a little,"Hey."

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: "He better not be taking me off this story because Megan was my ex girlfriend. If there is going to be anyone that is going to blow the lid of this story, it's going to be me." Holly sighed and ran a hand threw her red hair.

Alistair walked over to Melissa with a smile."Thanks Missy."

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa smiled back "welcome Alistair"

2010-07-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Amy nodded a little,"I can cuase some trouble to distract him if you want?" She grinned a little, she was good at ticking of Joe and at the same time keeping her job.

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alsitair walked to the refreshment table and picked up a bottle of water and took a sip of it.

A smile was playing on Holly's lips."Nah I know how to get my way with Joe. He just needs the right pick me up is all." She smirked a little."Anyways how are you?"

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa chuckled "so will carla's character ever accept yours?"

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alistair chuckled a little."I have no idea because I haven;t had the new script yet."

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Melissa smiled "damn my friends think she should and stop being such a whiny bitch about the whole demon thing" she giggled

2010-07-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Amy shrugged a little,"Good... They almost took my column away from me... damn bastards." She frowned a little.

Patrick nodded a little, standing."I'm gonna get some coffee.."

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alistair snorted a little."Well if I found out the person I love is a demon then I freak then need time to think about what I would then make a choose."

Holly sighed and shook her head."Damn buget cuts."

The cup Patrick normaly uses was broken on the floor because Gwen dropped it when she was kiddnapped.

2010-07-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Mac nodded "k k"

Melissa shrugged "i wouldnt if i knew i loved the person and that they loved me it wouldnt matter demon or not"

2010-07-30 [Tis gone but never gone]: Alistair shrugged."True but you would need time to wrap your mind around it."

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